Change Your Mindset With 16 Money Affirmations That Work

Nov 25, 2024
6 min read
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Make the most of your money
Have you ever heard the saying “work smarter, not harder”? That mantra is especially relevant if you want more money in your life. While hard work does lead to bigger paychecks, changing the way you think can make a huge difference, too.
Wealth is more than a dollar amount. It’s a mindset. And changing how you speak about money is one of the simplest, easiest ways to change the way you think about it.
Not sure what to say? Here are 16 money affirmations that actually work: 

What are money affirmations?

Money affirmations, also known as prosperity affirmations, are positive statements that help you overcome any existing negative thoughts and feelings about money. When you repeat these statements often — and more importantly, when you believe in them — you can start to change your subconscious beliefs about money and attract more wealth into your life.
Think of it this way: Your brain is like a supercomputer that's constantly running a whole suite of programs. Some of those programs are helpful and positive, while others might be outdated or even harmful. Affirmations for wealth act like a new code. By consistently feeding your mind positive thoughts about money, you overwrite those old, limiting beliefs and replace them with new ideas. So while affirmations won’t fill your bank account, they help you feel empowered and ready to earn.

How do affirmations work?

Here’s another clever saying for you: “Neurons that fire together wire together.” Your brain is made up of billions of nerve cells — neurons — that use electrical and chemical signals to communicate with each other. When you repeat a thought or action, all the neurons involved in that process “fire” together. And the more they fire together, the stronger the connection between them becomes.
This is the brain’s way of forming habits. When you constantly worry about money, you reinforce those neural pathways, making it easier to slip into negativity. But money or prosperity affirmations interrupt that cycle, leading your brain down a different path.
By making a conscious effort to focus on positive statements, you're essentially rewiring your brain, creating new neural pathways related to gratitude, confidence, and financial abundance. The more you repeat the affirmations, the more powerful those pathways become. It's like building a mental muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets.

16 money affirmations to attract wealth

Changing your money mindset takes time and consistent effort. But with regular practice, positive affirmations will start to drown out the negative self-talk, leading to a more empowered and optimistic financial outlook. Write your own affirmations to attract money or choose your favorites from this list — then say them aloud every chance you get.
  1. “I release all limiting beliefs about money.” Make room for positive thoughts by releasing the beliefs that don’t serve you.
  2. “I’m grateful for the abundance that already exists in my life.” Gratitude is a powerful amplifier of abundance, and this affirmation helps you acknowledge it.
  3. “I am a money magnet.” This statement is a short and snappy but effective way to affirm your ability to attract wealth.
  4. “I use my money wisely and responsibly.” Attracting money is just the first step — remind yourself that you make the right choices to help it grow.
  5. “Money flows easily and abundantly into my life.” This statement emphasizes the ease and abundance of wealth coming your way.
  6. “I’m worthy of financial prosperity.” You deserve wealth, a fact this affirmation will help you believe.
  7. “I’m financially free and secure.” No matter how true this statement is at the start, speaking the words helps you manifest financial security over time.
  8. “I make smart financial decisions that create lasting wealth.” This affirmation speaks to the role your choices play in your financial well-being.
  9. “My income is constantly increasing.” Want to earn more money? Speak it into existence.
  10. “I am open and receptive to new streams of income.” Don’t leave financial freedom to chance — acknowledge your willingness to embrace new sources of wealth.
  11. “I invest my money wisely.” Income isn’t all that matters. Remind yourself daily that it’s what you do with your income that counts.
  12.  “I am surrounded by abundance and prosperity.” They say you are the company you keep, so verbalize what kind of company you want around you.
  13. “I alone control my financial future.” Don’t give your employer, your banker, or your family more financial influence than you give yourself.
  14. “I use my wealth to create a positive impact in the world.” This statement helps connect your financial abundance to a sense of purpose and contribution.
  15. “Every day, I become wealthier and more prosperous.” Your financial confidence will grow each day if you feed it. The same is true for your savings and investments
  16. “My financial possibilities are endless.” There’s no limit to what kind of wealth you can achieve with the right belief system in place.

Why mindset matters to your financial success 

It's easy to get caught up in the numbers game, but true financial success goes beyond dollars and cents. It's deeply intertwined with your mindset — the way you think and feel about money. Here’s how different ways of thinking affect you.

The scarcity mindset

If you approach finances with a scarcity mindset, you’re constantly seeing the world through a lens of “not enough.” You believe that resources — like money, opportunities, or even love — are limited. And you think someone else having something means there’s less left for you.
Moving about the world with a scarcity mindset can make you feel afraid, anxious, or like you’re in competition with the world. You might hoard money, letting it sit in a low-yield savings account because you’re too afraid to spend or invest it. And while your balance may slowly grow over time, you’ll ultimately hinder your financial growth.

The abundance mindset

Shifting to an abundance mindset can open up a world of opportunities. When you believe that there's plenty to go around and that you're worthy of receiving wealth, you approach financial decisions with confidence and optimism. This shift in perspective influences everything from your daily spending habits to your long-term investment strategies.
People with an abundance mindset who know how to attract money are more likely to:
  • Embrace smart budgeting. With an abundance mindset, budgeting isn’t a restriction — it’s a tool to make the kinds of decisions that help you achieve your goals.
  • Save and invest wisely. If you want your money to grow, you have to put it to work.
  • Seek out new opportunities. Whether it’s a side hustle, a new full-time job, or launching a business of your own, there’s plenty you can do to up your earnings.
  • Give generously. What you put out into the world tends to come right back to you. Sharing your wealth attracts more wealth and helps you stay open to receiving. 
See how a positive money mindset empowers you to take control of your finances and create a life of abundance and prosperity? With the help of affirmations, shifting your mindset is much easier than you might think.

Realign your financial mindset with EarnIn

Ready to turn those money mantras into tangible results? Pair them with EarnIn’s Tip Yourself tool to stay motivated with frequent rewards. 
Tip Yourself is like a virtual piggy bank that makes saving money easy and painless. Each time you achieve something you’re proud of — avoiding a spending temptation, for example — you can “tip” a portion of your earnings into your Tip Yourself account, helping you celebrate small wins and nurturing a positive mindset. You’ll also start building a safety net for unexpected expenses1 and empowering yourself to keep moving forward.

Download EarnIn to make every day payday.