Earnin's Employee Resource Groups: Parenting

Sep 17, 2020
2 min read
Thumbnail for Earnin's Employee Resource Groups: Parenting
Make the most of your money
At Earnin, we understand that a community thrives best when there is an inclusive space for people to encourage one another. With that being said, we’ve had the great opportunity to build up several employee resource groups to foster greater diversity and inclusion in our workspace. One of the groups created was “Parentin”, a place for working parents to exchange advice, share family photos, and simply support each other. We got a chance to speak with Beth Woods, our Senior Software Engineer and co-leader of Parentin’! Here’s what she had to say about the group:
"With the recent COVID shift to working from home with kids at the house as well, it became much harder to achieve a proper work-life balance. I wanted to let other working parents know that they’re not alone and build a group where we can share what works for us, learn from others, and just help make being a working parent easier in general.
Both of my parents were working parents, which wasn't as common in the 80s as it is today. They showed me that both parents could work and still have time for their kids. My dad was the "cookie mom" for my girl scout troop for several years because he had weekends off. My mom got off days in the middle of the week so she would get the chores and errands done. Then she could have her evenings free to spend with the family. They made it work and that stayed with me.
As a group, our mission is “to be a welcoming space where we offer support, encouragement, share resources, and raise awareness of the joys and struggles of being a working parent.” Our three goals are:
  1. To continue to make Earnin a place where parents can accomplish their career goals as well as their parenting goals.
  2. To raise awareness around policies and benefits that allow them to not have to choose between their kids and their careers.
  3. To educate, advise, and support other parents, prospective parents, and allies.
If you’re a co-worker wondering how to be an ally for parents, it’s as simple as supporting a co-worker that may need to adjust their hours to take their kids to school, and also supporting policies that help improve work-life balance for parents.
Hopefully when we’re all back in the office, we can have a “Take Your Kid to Work” Day!"
If you’re a parent looking for an awesome place to work, check us out! Here’s a link to our careers page: https://www.earnin.com/careers

Photo by Alexander Dummer on Unsplash